Whether it's the snickering of your tyke or the excited hollers of a television show's studio gathering of people, we hear chuckling each day. Nothing could be more normal. However, in light of the fa…
How Mosquito Locate And Buzz in Our Ears
Typical of Africa, we heard odd stories, should I say myth about mosquito and ear. According to the story, the mosquito always visit the ear to remind it (ear) of the taunt that he (mosquito) is not …
Why We Cry When We Laugh Too Hard
Why do we cry when we giggle too hard? We cry when we're pitiful however why do we cry when we're excited by something? Being miserable and upbeat are two finished diverse thing. But at the same time…
Optical Illusion, Explanation of The Mystery Behind These Images
Wondering how this possible? Well this is the possible explanation. When you look at the white layer on the picture, what you should see is a full color representation of the image as your retina/br…
It's Supermoon Day
It’s that time of year again – a bright supermoon will appear in the night sky. Except that the supermoon may not appear that, well, super to make our earthbound eyes. “If you had a regular moon right…
Ten Facts About Light
1. Greeks thought our sight came from something dashing out of the eyes and into objects. 2. The first determination of “c”, the speed of light in a vacuum, was made by a Danish astronomer using the m…
Why Healing Wounds Itch?
We are told that if a cut is itching it is healing, and that scratching itches is bad for healing, why have we evolved this tendency to cause the healing cut to itch? Answer There are special nerves i…
Why Snakes Don't Die of Their Own Venom
I know if animals like ourselves ate food that had been poisoned, it would have an adverse effect on us but it doesn’t seem to on snakes. I know they’re not immune to their poison because they don’t u…
10 Things You Need To Know About Your Brain
The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. 1. Nerve im…
Skin As Body Temperature Regulator
The skin as we all know is the largest organ in the body. Also with exception of the bones and cartilages, it's the toughest tissue in the body. It does live up to its status by carrying out numerous …
This Friday, There Would Be a Blue Moon
This Friday, there will be a once in a blue moon occurrence. If you step outside, you might find yourself gazing out at a brimming, full moon. Disappointingly, it won't actually be blue; the term is a…
What is Dark Energy?
Instead of pulling galaxies in our universe together, gravity seems to be driving them apart. How can gravity be repulsive, when our everyday experience shows it’s attractive? To explain it, we need d…
Weird Facts About Human Body
> Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day. > Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has. > You are taller in the morning than you are at night. > Heart circul…
How Ship's Floatation on Water Is Possible
Why is that an iron Rod sink in water? But imagine a ship made by an iron rod does not sink? This question was asked by one of our readers and I considered it worthy of a blog post. The ability of an…
I stood gazing in wonder when a "V" flew past over me. Not actually a letter "V", rather a flock of birds in V formation. Still watching the beautiful scenery created by those birds in the sky, I noti…
I stood gazing in wonder when a "V" flew past over me. Not actually a letter "V", rather a flock of birds in V formation. Still watching the beautiful scenery created by those birds in the sky, I noti…
Ever wondered why grasshoppers are green during the rainy season but brown during the winter. Well it's an adaptive coloration to escape from predators. They assume the green colour of green grasses d…
The skin as we all know is the largest organ in the body. Also with exception of the bones and cartilages, it's the toughest tissue in the body. It does live up to its status by carrying out numerous …
No one can claim that he's oblivious of the fact that we tend to urinate more and often during cold weather. Yes you heard me right! But why is it so? Well let me address the question once and for al…
Functions Of White Blood Cells And Immunization
People can protect themselves from serious diseases by carrying out immunization i.e artificial immunization. But then, what's immunization? Immunization is the process of ingesting substances that…
Why Well and Water Table Are Warm at Night or Morning During Winters
It is widely noticed in our various life activities that well water and underground water are warm at night/morning but cold at the day during winters. In fact! Am a witness to that strange occurrenc…