It is widely noticed in our various life activities that well water and underground water are warm at night/morning but cold at the day during winters.
In fact! Am a witness to that strange occurrence. Back in my childhood days, we usually ran to the well to draw water for our bath in the morning after comparisons has been made on the temperature of well, tank and underground water to normal ones.

This sounds so ridiculous because the reverse is obvious with regards to the temperature differences at night and day and factors that effect temperature at whole.
How comes this strange phenomenon?
Why the reverse change in temperature?

Let's see what answer nature has to offer us and the mystery behind this strange and odd...

Let's study first the temperature of the atmosphere (which affects the water on the earth's surface) and the one beneath the earth or underground (which affect the water-table or underground water).

Temperature on the earth's surface or atmosphere is easily influenced by external factors e.g weather conditions while the temperature beneath the earth crust is fairly constant ( fairly affected by changes).

So if for example the normal temperature of the two kind of water in question is 1degree Celsius, after the heating of earth's surface by the sun and the cooling read also-the higher you go, the cooler it becomes the temperature of the water would drop below 1 degree Celsius but that of the underground water remain fairly constant e.g 1 degree Celsius.

When we then touch the two water, we realize the underground is warmer than the other.

Another reason is that heat of molten magma of any occurring intrusive volcanic eruption may affect the temperature of the underground water.

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